Volume 8, Issue 22 (3-2022)                   2022, 8(22): 91-114 | Back to browse issues page

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Taheri H, ghaforyan M. Analyzing the Accuracy of Hossein Kharazmi's Divan based on Layered Stylistics. Journal title 2022; 8 (22) :91-114
URL: http://fis.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2000-en.html
1- Imam Khomeini International University , taheri_x135@yahoo.com
2- Imam Khomeini International University
Abstract:   (3961 Views)
layered stylistics is a sub-branch of stylistics. In layered stylistics, considering the situational context as a macro-layer, researchers break down the text into strata and study the style by examining the text strata and identifying prominent or frequent features. This type of stylistics can be considered as the most complete and accurate methods in stylisitcs. Due to the large number of manuscripts obtained from Hossein Kharazmi’s Divan, the authors use layered stylistic to prove the accuracy of their attribution to this poet.
In this research, in an analytical-descriptive approach developed by Mahmoud Fotouhi in his book, the lexical and ideological layers of Kharazmi’s Divan are analyzed. The words and combinations of verses as a unit of style analysis are also examined. It is suggested that the lexical layer is effective in discovering the ideology of the text and explaining the hidden power relations.
Results: In the lexical layer, regarding the semiology of words, vocabularies are divided into structural and process codes, and indicators, vocabulary marking, and repetitive words are introduced as stylistic components. From a stylistic point of view (lexical and ideological), all the copies obtained from the court are consistent and prove their attribution to Hossein Kharazmi. Also, the table of indicators including announcements, titles, histories, material, dates, places, etc., further reinforce this argument. Other elements such as typography, personal stylistics, and period and external music, confirm this issue.
The research finds that that among codes, religion has a high frequency. The codes of a process originate from the harmonious connection and function of religion and government on the one hand, and on the other hand, the domination and influence of religion and culture over government and documenting power over religion. These codes are very much in line with Kharazmi's thought. Also, the words related to the institution of love and mysticism have the highest frequency and repetition.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: تاریخ ادبیات

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