Volume 4, Issue 10 (Summer-Winter- 2006)                   2006, 4(10): 19-45 | Back to browse issues page

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Safari J, Rezaei R. The comparison between Jamalodin Mohammad Ardestani's Yousef Nameh and Jami's Yousef and Zuleykha. Journal title 2006; 4 (10) :19-45
URL: http://fis.khu.ac.ir/article-1-820-en.html
1- Shahr-e Kord University , safari-j@lit.sku.ac.ir
2- Shahr-e Kord University
Abstract:   (9359 Views)
Stories and narration have been among the rewarding achievements of poets and writers throughout the history of Persian literature. Accordingly, the popular stories with special attraction have frequently been narrated in poems and prose to express and convey the Gnostic and lovely contents. The story of the biography of  Excellency Yousef ( Joseph) which is known as the best stories in the Holy Koran , is one of the most beautiful and attractive stories of the Persian literature which has been repeatedly discussed by poets and writers from different perspectives. Two important narrators of this story are Jamalodin Mohammad Ardestani and Jami in the ninth century who has narrated this story in their poems and prose under the titles of Yousef Nameh and   Yousef and Zuleykha, respectively. Since the similarities and difference in the overall structure and the manner of narrating as well as inferences and results made are so considerable in these two works of arts, this article attempts to compare these two valuable works along with their introductions and highlight the differences and similarities from different perspectives.

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Type of Study: Research |

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