Volume 5, Issue 14 (spring & summer- 2010)                   2010, 5(14): 95-134 | Back to browse issues page

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Shiri G. Political ambiguity in Nezami’s poetry. Journal title 2010; 5 (14) :95-134
URL: http://fis.khu.ac.ir/article-1-827-en.html
Razi University , ghahreman_shiri@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (13685 Views)
If we claim that the main subject in Nezami’s life and collection of poems is that of the politics – of course except for Leili and Majnoun- our claim is not off the track. However, in order to prove the dominance of politics in Nezamy’s poems and consequently in his life time , one  needs  to provide  documentation and persuasive  reasoning in all poems  collections. Nezamy offers his positions either ironically and generally or by appealing to historical samples and figurative speech   so as to protect his secluded life from the political turmoil. Makhzanollasrar depicts political and social "shoulds" and "shouldn’ts" in a moral- religious context. Khosro and Shirin is a sample of "should" and "shouldn’ts" in emotional- political behaviors and Haft Peikar (seven figures) and Eskandar Nameh are also considered as ideal values in the field of simple political actions and reactions. Despite all differences, these poetic collections are common in one subject. That is, depicting ideals and human goals in all places and times. Initially, the poet discusses about a moral and ideological society or religious utopia. Then he depicts the emotional and romance modes as well as desirable   and undesirable human's reactions against these modes. Then he deals with political society and its desired characters, narrating about his political utopia of two different forms- in the form of existence relativity in country history or in the form of a desirable reality in the world history.  This helps Nezamy to show his discontent with status quo through taking refuge in aliens.

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Type of Study: Research |

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